Housing Market 2021: Avoid These Properties OR Go BANKRUPT The housing market in 2021 may provide the GREATEST opportunity for real estate investing that we have ever seen. But there is some investment properties you MUST AVOID AT ALL COSTS. If you can recall the crash in 2008, we are seeing many of the same signs that we did back then. BUT before you go out and go on a real estate investing spree buying up everything.....There are some properties you want to avoid or you will pay dearly! 0:00 Intro 0:45 The first property to avoid buying in the housing market 2021 2:27 The second property to avoid buying in the housing market 2021 4:11 The third property to avoid buying in the housing market 2021 5:20 A very important message about real estate investing 6:25 Closing thoughts about the housing market 2021 The Kwak Brothers Free Stuff (Passive Investor Training Included) https://thekwakbrothers.com/free-stuff/ 0-75 Units In 1 Year https://0to75units.com/book-order1587970091604 0-75 Contest info@thekwakbrothers.com The first property you want to avoid buying in 2021 is HOTELS. With the pandemic, the hospitality industry was hit very hard, especially the hotel industry. BUT this was kind of a crash in the making with businesses like AirBnb taking a lot of the business away from hotels. Now moving forward, when we hit 2021, there is no magical time stopper that will make all the travel restrictions go away. And with the looming potential lockdown and additional restrictions.....will the hotel industry completely go away? No, but investing in a hotel is not what it used to be. The pandemic wasn't the complete show stopper, but it just accelerated the inevitable looming crash in the hotel industry. The next property you want to avoid buying in the 2021 housing market is non-luxury multi-family. Before you rage quit and hit the thumbs down, hear me out. There are several variables why I came to this conclusion. One of the being 2020 itself, with eviction moratoriums expiring, many citizens moving out of big cities and into the suburbs, and the tenant/landlord friction. Not to mention the unemployment crisis from the pandemic and many people losing their jobs. So I advise against people looking to invest in non-luxury apartments, in the B & C class. The last property you want to avoid buying in the 2021 housing market is office/retail space & commercial real estate. Many stores have closed in 2020 due to the pandemic and with the lack of demand in retail space for new opening stores, retail is a property to avoid investing in. In the same boat is office and corporate space. Many of the major corporations that occupy these spaces have moved many of their employees to work from home via virtual meetings and email. And with the unknown future, this may be the new normal for a very long time. 😃 Thanks for Subscribing & Liking our Video! 📧 ⌨️ FREE 7 Day Trial To PropStream Real Estate Investing Software: http://reisoftware.thekwakbrothers.com 📊 Pay Off Your Mortgage In 5-7 Years (On Average): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGVn9iq1e6c 💻 JOIN OUR FREE FACEBOOK GROUP FOR LANDLORDS & PASSIVE INCOME: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bestreigroup 📡 PROTECT YOUR ONLINE DATA AND ACTIVITY WHILE CLOSING DEALS AND GENERATING NEW LEADS WITH NORDVPN: https://go.nordvpn.net/aff_c?offer_id=15&aff_id=40858 🔊 Our Podcast Channels: 📻First Deal Experience: 🔹Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7pnHJSNl7vPVFzq69IzC6B 🔹iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/first-deal-experience/id1282240923 📻Property Management Automated: 🔹Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1LTAeRg2ZAT1ATI1mdtWM0 🔹iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/landlording-automated-podcast/id1504548975 GET SOCIAL WITH US: 📣Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thekwakbrothers/ 📣Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thekwakbrothers/ 📧 Hire the Kwak Brothers to Speak: info@thekwakbrothers.com #realestateinvesting #thekwakbrothers #realestate ======================== ---DISCLAIMER--- The suggestions, advice, and/or opinions that are given by Sam Kwak (The Kwak Brothers) are simply opinions. There are no guarantees of set outcomes. Listeners, guests, and attendees are advised to always consult with attorneys, accountants, and other licensed professionals when doing a real estate investment transaction. Listeners, guests, and attendees are to hold Sam Kwak, Novo Elite, Inc. and the Kwak Brothers brand harmless from any liabilities and claims. Not all deals will guarantee any profit or benefits. Listeners, guests, and attendees are to view and listen to all materials and contents furnished by the Kwak Brothers as a perspective based upon experience.